Yes, in their backyard – but on their own terms


The summer issue of Pipeline Observer makes it clear that many landowners’ concerns about the pipelines and transmission lines that cross their property do not reflect run-of-the-mill NIMBYism. These owners support energy development, but want to be respected as partners in the process. The magazine includes several articles critical of expropriation, including two by Environment Probe. Continue reading

Voluntary Exchange: Replacing Expropriation with Respect


The inaugural issue of Pipeline Observer features an article by Elizabeth Brubaker, who proposes a voluntary siting process for pipelines, transmission lines, and other facilities. Continue reading

Replacing Expropriation with Voluntary Exchange: A Property Rights Approach to Siting Facilities


In this conference presentation, Elizabeth Brubaker questions whether development that relies on expropriation can ever be truly sustainable. She proposes a voluntary siting process in which developers acquire land or easements from willing sellers on the open market. Continue reading